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Key figures

Investment performance 2024
Until 30 June
Investment performance

Investment return as at 31 December (except current year: until 30 June)
Current year: unrevised

Investment strategy


Nominal values Switzerland 13%
Nominal values world 26%
Equities Switzerland 7%
Equities worldwide 18%
Real estate Switzerland 16%
Real estate world 9%
Private markets 9%
Gold 2%
Total assets 100%

Thereof foreign currencies unhedged: 16%

Coverage ratio

Coverage ratio as at 31 December: according to Art. 44 BVV2
Coverage ratio during the year: estimate

Indicative coverage ratio
As at 30 June 2024
Number of insured
As at 31 December 2023

1.7 : 1

Aktive insureds 16'323 62.2%
Pensioners 9'921 37.8%
Total 26'244 100.0%

Actuarial capital
As at 31 December 2023

1 : 1.2

Active insureds 4'887 47.3%
Pensioners 5'453 52.7%
Total 10'340 100.0%

Amounts in CHF million

Basic data
31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Active insureds 16'323 16'304
Pensioners 9'921 9'705
Annual administrative costs per insured person 120 118
Affiliated employers 13 12
Balance sheet information
31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Balance sheet total in CHF million 12'248 11'897
Retirement capital of active insureds in CHF million 4'887 4'735
Actuarial capital of pensioners in CHF million 5'453 5'490
Investment fluctuation reserve in CHF million 1'547 898
Coverage ratio and technical bases
31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Coverage ratio pursuant to Art. 44 BVV2 114.5% 108.2%
Target coverage ratio 115.8% 116.4%
Technical bases BVG 2020 (generation boards) BVG 2020 (generation boards)
Technical interest of actuarial capital of pensioners 1.75% 1.75%
Investment performance and interest
31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Investment performance after costs 4.1% -8.5%
Interest on actuarial capital of active insureds 1.75% 1.50%